How to make these small pdf cards. 13 Oct 23 DdeC This is a real hack; there are no doubt better ways to do it. Please let me know. These steps will produce a pdf 'card' where the text is in vector format, and selectable. This guide uses LibreOffice and Preview on a Mac but should work with other systems and applications. Prepare your text. Then, in LibreOffice Draw, make a 'cartouche' or frame for your card on a new page and paste the text into it. Do not group the text with other elements. Export the page as a pdf and open it in Preview. From the menu 'Tools' select Rectangular Selection. Select the card and 'Crop'. Preview will indicate that although on you are cropping to the desired size, the rest of the page will be present, but hidden! The card should nevertheless display on a website with the text vectorised and selectable.