

basis for excess of fluid in stool

gut balance of secretory and absorptive fluxes - implications

classification of cases of diarrhea into four categories:

References and Advanced Reading (links valid May 2005).

James Christensen's chapter 4 of the Bedside Logic in Diagnostic Gastroenterology, on Diarrhea. Clearly written and considerable detail in one long page.

Estes MK et al: Pathogenesis of rotavirus gastroenteritis p. 82 in Gastroenteritis Viruses (Novartis Symposium 238). Wiley, 2001. Philson Library. Abstract available at http://www.novartisfound.org.uk/catalog/238abs.htm#estes or a cached copy here.

Toddler's diarrhea: http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/archdischild;79/1/2.

Sample multiple-choice question for discussion.

A 12 month old child has had frequent yellowish-coloured watery motions today. Your initial recommendation is...
(a) oral paregoric (opiate-based compound to reduce motility and enteric secretion)
(b) stool culture and microscopy testing before treatment
(c) IV saline or Ringer's 10ml/kg body weight/hr then depending on serum electrolytes
(d) ciprofloxacin syrup (quinolone antibiotic) for Campylobacter jejuni enteritis
(e) oral rehydration solution containing glucose, NaCl and NaHCO3

The Big P

The Big Picture: function of the gastrointestinal tract

Intestinal Function 1. Gut Reactions: immune function, motility and (exocrine) secretion

Intestinal Function 2. Crossing the Border: fluid and nutrients at the epithelium