On this page:
Useful pages on the changeofaddress.com site.
How to use changeofaddress.com.
Using changeofaddress.com to look for someone's new address.
Letting others find you through changeofaddress.com.
How changeofaddress.com began.
About the developers.
How to contact us.
Useful pages on the changeofaddress.com site.
front page Use the site to look for email addresses, or leave yours for others.
about us A quick reference on how to use the site.
privacy policy How and why we protect your email address information.
anti-spam Some of the ways we deal with spam, and ideas you can use.
help. A collection of useful information about the site. The page you are reading now
FAQ Our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How to use changeofaddress.com.
Using changeofaddress.com to look for someone's new address.
If you have someone's email address but it no longer works-you get a bounce message when you send them mail-simply enter their address in the box on the front page and press the Search button. If we have their new address we'll give you a forwarding address so you can get in touch with them. (For security reasons we don't give you their address directly.)
Letting others find you through changeofaddress.com.
When your email address changes, either because you move companies or you abandon an address that's full of spam, you can leave your new address here so that people can find you. Just enter your old address in the box on the front page and press the Change button. You'll then be asked your new address. After that, when someone enquires about you by entering your old address, we'll allow them to forward mail to you (up to three times). Its your decision to give them your new address if you wish to.
How changeofaddress.com began.
Changeofaddress.com was dreamed up by a doctor in Auckland, New Zealand, who had the idea while sitting on the bus travelling along Sandringham Road (a long straight road, crossing the Auckland isthmus, and good for thinking on...). His favourite email address was starting to get spam - first occasionally, then once a week, then every couple of days... and he thought about what would happen when it became unusable--and that other people must often face this problem. He called his friend, a software developer, and they brainstormed the idea. The security of the addresses from spammers was the biggest feature to get right.
They found that there were already some places on the internet with similar services, but none of them looked both simple and reliable. A new site with an "uncluttered" appearance was proposed, modelled on the great Google.com. Although making money from the site was an aim, they decided the priority was to prove its worth: when it became successful and generated plenty of traffic, then no doubt ways would be found to develop sources of revenue. Hopefully, like Google has done, while still preserving the usefulness of the site for large numbers of people.
About the developers.
The developers are Denis de Castro and Ulu Aiono.
How to contact us
You can contact us through this page.